authentic reflections of a life desired to live well


Reviews of apps, products, and tools for productivity.


I’ve already written a bit about Jason Fried’s leadership and organizational ideas in a previous post titled, “Where Does Work Happen Best?”  However, I hadn’t read the book it was based on.  This month our team is reading “Rework” | Amazon Link.  I wanted my team to read it so we could implement the best ideas from the book into our team.  I loved...

Zaggmate ipad Keyboard/Case Review

The iPad has changed the way I work. Being someone who travels frequently, I have been on a search to keep size and weight down and productivity up. I found the beginnings of this with the “magical and revolutionary” iPad. I’ve been putting it through it’s paces for a few months now and would like to review one tool I’ve used to increase my productivity and...

authentic reflections of a life desired to live well



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