authentic reflections of a life desired to live well


Tips and tricks on getting things done

Video Conferencing Etiquette

I’ve been working for over five years on virtual teams. It’s different from working in a traditional office. With a lot of trial and error, I wanted to share my top five list of video conferencing non-negotiables. I’ve also written up a quick post with the specs of the tools I currently use for reference. Maintain eye contact –  Use front-facing camera I’ve known a...

Communication Strategy for Local Church [Video]

This past winter when I was still working for Free Methodist Church USA, I was privileged to speak to the leadership of the denomination through six regional events called “Equipping for Excellence”. My keynote was in two parts: Developing a Communication Strategy for Your Church and a vision/tutorial piece on a platform we built for the denomination. Both were received well. However...

What’s in My Bag?

Inspired by the Verge, I offer my gear list. I currently use two bags for travel – depending on how long the trip is and what I need. Inside my STM Velo 2 Small is the current gear: 13″ MBP RetinaiPad Air with Product (Red) Smart CoverZagg KeyboardEvernote Moleskine12 South PlugBugMophie PowerstationBose MIE2iStudio Neat GlifStudio Neat CosmonautJawbone...

How Not to Look Ugly on a Webcam

I spend the majority of my time working from a remote location. My primary office is my home. It’s a basement room in Michigan, which means that it’s a bit dark and cold. A few years ago, the team I worked with at the time was featured in Home Office Hustle to show the different ways we setup our home offices. Here are a few tips and tools I use to make it productive when...

authentic reflections of a life desired to live well



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