authentic reflections of a life desired to live well

Five Ways to Utilize Video for Online Learning

I’ve been teaching online for over twenty years. And with everything over twenty years, a lot has changed. The cost has come down and the tools are plenty to be able to connect online effectively. It used to cost a ton and take forever. Now it’s as simple as an iPhone, a webcam on your laptop and some easy to use software like Camtasia from Techsmith. As I lead a program and teach both face-to-face and online, here are some tools I have found helpful. I’ll show you the setup, how I use them in each context and the outcomes for each. 

Read entire post with additional examples on the Strategic Communication Website at Michigan State Univeristy

About the author


Husband, father, & motorcycle enthusiast. @MSUComArtSci educator. @MSUStratCom admin. @TedLasso student. Aiming for a life well lived.

Follow on @jasonarcher

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By Jason
authentic reflections of a life desired to live well



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