authentic reflections of a life desired to live well


Where Does Work Happen Best?

I’m leading a team of an organization through some pretty significant change.  Our team has been involved in print, inventory, sales, and publishing to print.  The team has worked in the same office in the same city.  This has been the case for over 100  years.  Therefore, change is pretty significant in the larger perspective.  We’ve had some major staff transitions...

Outlook 2011 for Mac: Not Ready

As an avid Mac user for nearly twenty years, I’ve learned to play second fiddle to Microsoft products.  I started out using Eudora Light for my mail client in the 90’s.  Eventually Microsoft released Entourage.  Second-rate.  Finally with the release of OSX, we got, iCal, and Address Book.  Solid 1.0 releases.  However, still behind where our Windows counterparts had...

Are Detours Really Detouring?

A few months back, I was dropping off a friend at the Indianapolis airport and got all turned around in construction. I don’t live in Indy. I work there. And I’m new. Worse yet, the construction is near the airport. Without going into the details of my frustration, it wound up taking me about 90 minutes to do what should have taken 30-40. I was extremely frustrated as I was detoured...


photo credit: RaGardner4 Look at the time stamp of this post. It’s actually early for me. There is about a month of life happening in this week. Tons of adversity. A few critical decisions. Uncharted waters. A crying 12-year old daughter that misses her daddy. People with expectations. Mostly unmet 🙂 As I was finishing up some work tonight and bracing myself for tomorrow, I’m so at...

authentic reflections of a life desired to live well



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