authentic reflections of a life desired to live well


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Lifelong Learning

The friends John Cucci met on his second mountain tend to fall into two camps: martial artists and communications professionals. Most mornings before the pandemic, you could find John plunging his fists through the still-chilly air in Chicago’s North Shore Dojo in a precise sequence, the smacks of his bare feet on the blue mat sounding off the high ceiling; afternoon saw him doing...

Impact Beyond Our Work

This week former NFL head coach and current ESPN Analyst Rex Ryan had a breakdown on TV. It went viral. Probably because it’s interesting to see someone act in a way we don’t expect. But also because it was a genuinely human moment. Watch his reaction and the panel’s reaction to his heart. The man being discussed is current LA Chargers head coach Anthony Lynn. Inside the beltway...

Seek Truth, Not a Tweet

In this post-truth era of a latest study finds X and you should be afraid or shocked, many pieces of news and social posts are angled at fear, destruction and division. It’s up to us to find perspective. I’m not saying ignore or put our heads in the sand. I’m just wondering if every day or moment being some sort of crisis may not necessarily be true. There’s a bigger picture. A larger context...

Don’t Be Ignorant

Lately I’m bombarded by tweets and, well, one thing I think we can all agree from our president is that there is such a thing called “fake news”. Now that I’ve got my radar up, I’m seeing it more and more. Stories on TV and online without confirmed sources. These stories don’t wait to get the story right. Now it’s about the first person to publish the...

authentic reflections of a life desired to live well



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